الخميس، 9 ديسمبر 2010

Plan B

فرصة جديدة لاستعادة النشاط ومراجعة التكتيكات في حربنا الإعلامية ، وعلى هذا نشكر الأعداء أولا .

وقبل كل شيء أقدم عرفاني وامتناني للأصدقاء الذين عرضوا عليّ انواعا من المبادرات الكريمة .

الخطة البديلة الآن هي كما يلي:

أولا -سوف أقوم بتحويل مواضيع غار عشتار الى ملفات بي دي اف للنشر هنا وفي المنتديات والمواقع لتكون أسهل للقراءة والتوزيع على نطاق واسع وللحفظ. ومن أجل هذا الهدف، سوف نحتاج الى :

1- رفع الملفات على سيرفر مضمون ، وسوف نستخدم سيرفرات المواقع الصديقة .
2- تجميع المقالات التي احتاجها والتي قد لا اجدها في أرشيف جهازي ممن يحتفظ بها او ينشرها في مواقعه ، وهذه سوف اطلبها منكم إذا دعت الحاجة.

ثانيا - سيتفرع الغار مثل اخطبوط الى أكثر من مغارة وسرداب ينشر فيها المواضيع حتى اذا أغلقوا واحدا لقينا بديله .

إذا لديكم أية إضافة أو اقتراح .

إختفى الغار وظل العنكبوت

ياسبحان الله .. اختفى الغار ولكن العنكبوت مازال معششا . هذه معجزة آية الله جوجل ! سوف استخدم العنكبوت لأغراضي التحقيقية ، حتى يتم العثور على غار عشتار.

الخميس، 9 سبتمبر 2010

السبت، 28 أغسطس 2010

Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America's Military Strategy in the Muslim World

Greatly expanded U.S. military Special Ops teams, U.S. drone strikes and private espionage networks run by former CIA assassins create a threat to our security.

By By Fred Branfman

The truth that many Americans find hard to take is that that mass U.S. assassination on a scale unequaled in world history lies at the heart of America's military strategy in the Muslim world, a policy both illegal and never seriously debated by Congress or the American people. Conducting assassination operations throughout the 1.3 billon-strong Muslim world will inevitably increase the murder of civilians and thus create exponentially more "enemies," as Gen. McChrystal suggests -- posing a major long-term threat to U.S. national security. This mass assassination program, sold as defending Americans, is actually endangering us all. Those responsible for it, primarily General Petraeus, are recklessly seeking short-term tactical advantage while making an enormous long-term strategic error that could lead to countless American deaths in the years and decades to come. General Petraeus must be replaced, and the U.S. military's policy of direct and mass assassination of Muslims ended.

Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind

This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.

Press the pic to watch

Includes original interviews with a number of dissident scholars including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Peter Phillips (“Project Censored”), John Stauber (“PR Watch”), Christopher Simpson (“The Science of Coercion”) and others.
If there is one thing this war has taught us all, it's that we can't believe what we're told. For Donald Rumsfeld these were "breathtaking". For the British Army they were "historic". For BBC Radio they were "amazing"

Obama's US Assassination Program

By Chuck Norris
It all started in January, when The Washington Post reported: "As part of the operations, Obama approved a Dec. 24 strike against a (Yemeni) compound where a U.S. citizen, Anwar al-Aulaqi, was thought to be meeting with other regional al-Qaeda leaders. Although he was not the focus of the strike and was not killed, he has since been added to a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing or capture."
?A shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing
That's right. No arrest. No Miranda rights. No due process. No trial. Just a bullet

الجمعة، 27 أغسطس 2010

A Must Read: Lies About Iraq are the Focus of U.S. Strategy

This self-proclaimed victory leaves behind a trail of blood, a country devastated, ravaged, plundered and divided. A society that will take a long time to heal the wounds, but that today closely collaborates to demand the withdrawal of all occupation forces from its territory.

الأربعاء، 4 أغسطس 2010

There's no business like show business

By William Blum

She played Mozart's Piano Concerto in D Minor.

And accompanied the one and only Aretha Franklin.

A gala benefit performance in Philadelphia.

At the home of the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Before 8,000 people.

And they loved it.

How many of them knew that the pianist was a genuine, unindicted war criminal

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الجمعة، 30 يوليو 2010

Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring

It’s not the very first time Google has done business with America’s spy agencies. Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth.
This appears to be the first time, however, that the intelligence community and Google have funded the same startup, at the same time. No one is accusing Google of directly collaborating with the CIA. But the investments are bound to be fodder for critics of Google, who already see the search giant as overly cozy with the U.S. government, and worry that the company is starting to forget its “don’t be evil” mantra.

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U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets

America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon.
In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes in monitoring social media. It’s part of a larger movement within the spy services to get better at using ”open source intelligence” — information that’s publicly available, but often hidden in the flood of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports generated every day.

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الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010

WikiLeaks Iraq Cache More Than Three Times As Big

The cache of classified U.S. military reports on the Iraq War as yet unreleased by WikiLeaks may be more than three times as large as the set of roughly 76,000 similar reports on the war in Afghanistan made public by the whistle-blower Web site earlier this week, Declassified has learned.

Three sources familiar with the Iraq material in WikiLeaks hands, requesting anonymity to discuss what they described as highly sensitive information, say it’s similar to this week’s Afghanistan material, consisting largely of field reports from U.S. military personnel and classified no higher than the "secret" level. According to one of the sources, the Iraq material portrays U.S. forces being involved in a "bloodbath," but some of the most disturbing material relates to the abusive treatment of detainees not by Americans but by Iraqi security forces, the source says.

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U.S. pays Afghan media to run friendly stories

Buried among the 92,000 classified documents released Sunday by WikiLeaks is some intriguing evidence that the U.S. military in Afghanistan has adopted a PR strategy that got it into trouble in Iraq: paying local media outlets to run friendly stories.

Several reports from Army psychological operations units and provincial reconstruction teams (also known as PRTs, civilian-military hybrids tasked with rebuilding Afghanistan) show that local Afghan radio stations were under contract to air content produced by the United States. Other reports show U.S. military personnel apparently referring to Afghan reporters as "our journalists" and directing them in how to do their jobs.

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Afghan War Diary

WikiLeaks on 26 July released over 75,000 secret US military reports covering the war in Afghanistan.

The Afghan War Diary an extraordinary secret compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The reports describe the majority of lethal military actions involving the United States military. They include the number of persons internally stated to be killed, wounded, or detained during each action, together with the precise geographical location of each event, and the military units involved and major weapon systems used

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الاثنين، 26 يوليو 2010


The documents — some 92,000 reports spanning parts of two administrations from January 2004 through December 2009 — illustrate in mosaic detail why, after the United States has spent almost $300 billion on the war in Afghanistan, the Taliban are stronger than at any time since 2001

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اعتصام سلمي من اجل فيروز

ينظم عشاق المطربة اللبنانية فيروز في بيروت وعدة مدن أخرى في الشرق الاوسط اليوم الاثنين اعتصاما سلميا للتضامن معها واحتجاجا على منعها من قبل ورثة منصور الرحباني من إعادة تقديم أغاني ومسرحيات الاخوين رحباني.

وأوضح مازن عواد وهو ناشط بيئي وأحد المنظمين أن الاعتصام سينظم بالتعاون مع مجموعة من محبي فيروز امام متحف بيروت بعد ظهر الاثنين ويتوقع ان يشارك فيه اكثر من 2000 شخص من بينهم فنانون واعلاميون ومثقفون ومحبو فيروز.
أضاف عواد أن الاعتصام هو عبارة عن تجمع صامت على وقع صوت أغاني فيروز وبالتزامن مع تجمعات أخرى في القاهرة وحيفا وغيرهما من المدن.

إقرأ المزيد

الأحد، 25 يوليو 2010

The Great Myth: Counterinsurgency

Winning “hearts and minds” is just a tactic aimed at insuring our paramount interests and the interests of the “friendly” governments that we fight for. Be nice to the locals unless the locals decide that they don’t much like long-term occupation, don’t trust their government, and might have some ideas about how they should run their own affairs.

Then “hearts and minds” turns nasty

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Project FICKLE

Arguably, contractors have never had it so good. Not only is the traditional military-industrial complex still well-fed and healthy, but oodles of new money has been made available for a new generation of "counter-terror" specialists, profiting off "expertise" on everything from interrogations and surveillance to analysis and security.

Each sub-group has found a comfortable niche. Some have found several. But the Washington Post study concluded that it is much less clear whether all the expensive busywork is actually making the American people safer.

Contractors commonly are big on acronym labels. For this particular self-licking ice cream cone, FICKLE could be the generic acronym

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السبت، 24 يوليو 2010

Cancer Rate In Fallujah Worse Than Hiroshima

The Iraqi city of Fallujah continues to suffer the ghastly consequences of a US military onslaught late in 2004.

According to the authors of a new study, “Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009,” the people of Fallujah are experiencing higher rates of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality, and sexual mutations than those recorded among survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the years after those Japanese cities were incinerated by US atomic bomb strikes in 1945.

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Mental Illness Increases For U.S. Troops

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are taking a toll on minds as well as bodies, statistics released by the U.S. Army indicate

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Downflall of the Dollar: China may switch to currency basket

In comments posted to the People's Bank of China Web site, the central bank's Deputy Gov. Hu Xiaolian said using a basket of currencies from the nation's top trading partners would allow the Chinese yuan to better reflect trading fundamentals.

"Compared with pegging to a single currency, the exchange-rate regime with reference to a basket of currencies will help adjust exports and imports, current account, and balance of payment in a more effective manner," she said.

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American Marines Jews prefer to die for Israel

Until a year ago, Schlakman's future seemed quite clear. He worked out five times a week in order to get accepted into the Marines. However, he ultimately landed two months ago at Ben Gurion Airport with the first group of soldiers organized by Aish Machal.
"Nathaniel told me that if he's going to take a bullet, he'd rather take one in Israel, for the country," said Aharon-Yosef Katsof, who found Schlakman in the religious school in which he studied.
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Oil, Blood Money, and Blair's Last Scandal

There is no question there was a plot. The question is whether the plot worked,or whether it got what it wanted by a remarkable coincidence

By Johann Hari

Is your life worth more to your government than a few pence added to BP's share price? At first, this will sound like a strange question. But sometimes there is a news story that lays out the priorities that drive our governments once the doors are closed and the cameras are switched off. The story of the attempt to trade the Lockerbie bomber for oil is one of those moments.

Let's start in the deserts of Iraq – because the Lockerbie deal might just reveal what really happened there.

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الخميس، 8 يوليو 2010

كل المخلوقات هنا تتحرك بالفارة .

أين ذهب العنكبوت؟

هذه المدونة صممت خصيصا لأطفالنا الصغار وللكبار أيضا الذين اشتكوا من اختفاء عنكبوت غار عشتار وأعدهم أن أضع لهم هنا كل الألعاب الممكنة. سأبحث عن ذلك العنكبوت العجيب وأجره الى هذه المدونة.